All you have to do is jump out of the way. Fake Ultimate Mook: The drone bees may look muscley and intimidating, but once they've fired their one and only stinger at you, they drop down dead.Everything Trying to Kill You: Level 8 is a pretty harrowing experience because of this, although level 9 is arguably just as bad owing to the unkillable (unless lured into lava) ghost ants.Elite Mooks: Most ants are armed with just a spear, but some of the ones in levels 8 and 9 can fly and breathe fire.It can also happen if three or more spear ants gang up on you. Cycle of Hurting: It's possible to get stuck in the landscaping, and if this happens when you're near a spear ant, you're in for a lot of stabbing.

Possibly justified since some of them are poisonous bugs. Collision Damage: Some enemies spiders, bee grubs, slugs, caterpillars, etc can damage you just by touching you.Sometimes you'll kick open a walnut, hoping for something nice like a clover or a raspberry, only to get one of these bastards chewing on your rear. You jump and knock off the water drop to get the check point. Checkpoint: Most levels will have a couple of large drinking straws with drops of water dangling off them.Inverted with the sequel, Bugdom 2, which makes things Lighter and Softer.Level 3 has you riding a pond skater and fighting cartoony mosquitos, while in Level 4 the sky is red, the music is much more dramatic, giant human feet can crush you, you fight spiders that are far more realistic than any of the other enemies you've previously fought, and a bat can swoop out of nowhere and kill you instantly. The change in tone between Level 3 and Level 4 is pretty jarring.Bloodless Carnage: Lots of dead bugs in this game, but no bug entrails to be seen.Bee Afraid: Levels 4, 5, 6 and 7 all feature bees in one of three varieties (plus the Queen Bee boss in level 7), all of which are out to get Rollie.

Bugdom game over free#
The main character's goal is to defeat their king and free the ladybugs from their captivity. They kidnapped the ladybugs, inhabitants of Bugdom, and kept them locked in cages.

Ant Assault: Fire ants led by King Thorax are the main antagonists in the game.